I was introduced to OnTrack coaching and physical therapy after having two years of chronic hip pain and life-long foot problems that at least six podiatrists were unable to resolve. I doubted myself, my running capabilities, and whether I would ever enjoy a pain-free life more and more with each failed attempt to resolve the pain.
OnTrack Stories: Michael Dabbs
I can’t say enough good things about my experience with OnTrack coaching. I began working with them in my mid 30s after running a very painful first marathon. Since that time, I have completed a second marathon with much better results, as well as multiple shorter races with a specific focus on half marathons.
OnTrack Stories: Dennis Olechna
As part of my preparation for the 2014 Vermont City Marathon this past May, I enrolled in a ten-week training class in January sponsored by RunVermont appropriately called “Marathon 101.” The course instructor/coach was Ms. Kim Loeffler. In a word, Ms. Loeffler was simply superb.
OnTrack Stories: Pat Driscol
I’ve been with OnTrack since 2011. The teamwork with my coach, Kelly, has been amazing! Together, we have surpassed PRs in 5k, 10k and 13.1 that I set 20 years ago. She has brought me from 23rd at Duathlon Age Group World Championships to 4th. At OnTrack, the coaches and athletes are a team that work together, constantly communicate, and show that there are no limits!
OnTrack Stories: Angie Defilippi
Kim has patiently guided me through the highs and lows of a lengthy triathlon career. She has helped me to grow from a beginner endurance athlete to an experienced veteran. Thanks to coach Kim, I can proudly call myself an 11 time Ironman Hawaii finisher.
OnTrack Stories: Diane Olechna
In April 2014, I decided that I wanted to run in the October 12, 2014 Chicago Marathon. I had not run with any consistency for over six years when I first met with Kim. She first assessed my level of fitness, then developed an individualized running plan that would take me to the starting line at Chicago and across finish 22 weeks later. It is not an understatement to state that I would not have been able to complete the Chicago Marathon without Kim.